3 Essential Advertising Tips for Small Businesses

3 Essential Advertising Tips for Small Businesses

3 Essential Advertising Tips for Small Businesses

  • Posted by TVadm
  • On July 6, 2023

Markets are crowded and it’s hard even for great businesses to stand out. You can offer the tastiest food in town or the lowest prices for various gizmos, but if no one knows, you may not drum up much in the way of sales. By using tools like wide format printing, social media, printed fliers, and search engine ads, among other things, it may be possible to drum up sales while also expanding your brand presence.

1. Start on a Strong Foot

According to the United States Small Business Administration (SBA), small businesses spend around 10 percent of their revenues on advertising. Of course, when you’re just starting a company, you may not be generating revenue. Footing the bill for advertising may feel daunting, if not outright intimidating.

Yet advertising is crucial, especially early on. If you’re new to the market, awareness will likely be low. Strong advertising, and using distinctive marketing methods, like wide format printing, can help build momentum, including strong word of mouth.

2. Multi-Pronged Approaches Often Maximize Results

Many people today focus on digital marketing. While digital marketing, including social media and search engine ads, can certainly be effective, it’s wise to remember that other options are available. Indeed, if most businesses in your field are focusing on a few channels, you may find more success through less crowded channels.

Consider email inboxes. Many of them are now overflowing with emails. The average person can receive dozens of emails a day. Physical mailboxes may be less crowded, and with the right fliers, you might stand out. Other more “traditional” advertising methods, like wide format printing, can also help you stand out in the real world.

3. Make Your Advertising Impossible to Ignore

Many consumers now are extremely adept at ignoring ads on websites and the like. Each day, you might see a thousand ads, but how many do you actually remember? It’s important to think outside the box to create distinctive ads that folks simply can’t ignore.

Using wide format printing to craft engaging billboards, vehicle signage, and wall murals, among other things, could help small businesses stand out. Indeed, you can create large ads that are almost impossible to look past.

Ultimately, advertising could prove crucial for your entrepreneurial ambitions. Of course, you’ll want to make sure you maximize how your resources are spent, and that means optimizing marketing campaigns as much as possible. It’s wise to work with marketing experts like us at McGuiness Media & Marketing who can help ensure postive results.


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